* This instruction is for specific RI staff members with active QES (Qualified e-Signature) Certificates issued to them via a physical USB Token.

* RI is currently using GlobalSign as QES certification provider.

* Please make sure you have already installed the certification on your computer, before start the signing processes. 

To sign a PDF file with a QES signature, please follow the below steps:

  1. Open the PDF file with latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader
  2. Insert your USB Token that you received from GlobalSign, that has your QES certificate.
  3. Click on "Tools" - "Certificates"
  4. You should see the Certificates Banner on top, like this:
  5. Click on "Digitally Sign", and draw the box where you want the signature to be on the document
  6. The "Sign with a Digital ID" window will pop-up, and please make sure to select the one tha is issued by the GlobalSign, looks like this
  7. When prompt, enter your PIN for the token

You can also watch the instruction video that is provided by GlobalSign: How to Digitally Sign a PDF in Acrobat DC - Video | GlobalSign .